Managing negative emotions mindfully

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We all know the feelings of anger, disappointment, or frustration and seek an appropriate way to handle them. Often, we suppress or ignore these negative emotions, which only makes them stronger. Do you find it difficult to manage negative emotions? Do you consciously acknowledge and allow your feelings, or do you try to suppress them to feel less?

In this energizer, you will learn how to handle your negative emotions more mindfully and healthily. Sabeth will show you how to recognize, accept, and work constructively with your emotions instead of suppressing or ignoring them. Through practical techniques and exchanges with other participants, you'll learn to better understand your emotional world and develop a more sustainable way of dealing with negative emotions.
What can you expect?
  • Emotional mindfulness: Learn to recognize and understand your feelings without judging them.
  • Emotion regulation strategies: Discover practical techniques to handle your emotions more mindfully.
This energizer helps you find a more mindful and healthier way to deal with negative emotions. Our goal is for you to manage your feelings better and find more inner peace after this session.
Dieses Event wurde von Evermood erstellt und zuletzt am aktualisiert.

So kannst du teilnehmen

Du kannst dem Event 10 Minuten vor Beginn auf dieser Seite beitreten. Wähle eine Umgebung, in der du dich wohlfühlst. Die Teilnahme ist:
  • ortsunabhängig (z.B. bei der Arbeit, von unterwegs oder zuhause),
  • mit jedem Endgerät möglich (Computer, Tablet oder Smartphone),
  • bequem über den Browser ohne zusätzliche Software verfügbar,
  • ohne Kamera und Mikrofon möglich.
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